Call for Abstracts

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: September 6
  • Abstract Review: September 12-17
  • Abstract Dispositions: September 27
  • Accept/Withdraw Abstract Deadline: October 1
  • ABRCMS 2024: November 13-16 

Submit an Abstract


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Mark your calendar! The ABRCMS 2024 call for abstracts will open on April 17.

This year, ABRCMS is offering several options for submitting an oral, poster, or ePoster abstract. Gather your latest research and get ready to present your science to esteemed and established researchers from universities across the country. Take note of important dates and get familiar with the submission steps to ensure a smooth process when you're ready to submit.

Eligible Education Levels

Please keep in mind your eligibility is based on your enrolled education level as of November 1, and NOT your education level when you conducted your research.

Undergraduate (sophomore, junior, or senior) & Community College Students

  • Oral abstract for in-person conference (November 15–16), OR
  • Poster abstract for in-person conference (November 14–15), OR
  • ePoster abstract for virtual conference (November 16)

Postbaccalaureate Students

  • Poster abstract for in-person conference (November 14–15), OR
  • ePoster abstract for virtual conference (November 16)

Master's Level Students & Individuals taking a Gap Year

  • Poster abstract for in-person conference during the Graduate Student Poster Presentations and Networking Reception (November 13), OR
  • ePoster abstract for virtual conference (November 16)

Doctoral-Level Graduate Students

      • Oral abstract for the Graduate Symposium (November 16-17)

Those whose abstract is accepted, but not awarded an oral presentation will be invited to present a poster during the Graduate Poster Presentations and Networking Reception on Wednesday, November 13.

How to Submit an Abstract

1. Confirm your eligibility.

For ABRCMS 2024 (November 13–16)
To submit an abstract, you must satisfy the following two criteria:

  1. As of November 1, you must be currently enrolled as one of the following:
    • Community college student
      • Must have completed at least 30 credit hours
    • Undergraduate sophomore, junior, or senior
    • Postbaccalaureate student
      • Must be enrolled in a formalized program
    • Master’s level graduate student
    • Individual taking a gap-year
      • Must intend to apply to graduate school in the future
  2. Have conducted research, used experimental methods and developed results in one of the 12 ABRCMS scientific disciplines

For Graduate Symposium (November 16-17)

To submit an abstract, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. As of November 1, you must be currently enrolled as a:
    • Doctoral level graduate student
  2. Have conducted research, used experimental methods and developed results in one of the 12 ABRCMS scientific disciplines
  3. Not participated as an oral presenter at a previous ABRCMS Graduate Symposium

Important Information

    • Postbaccalaureate, master’s students and individuals taking a gap year are not eligible to submit abstracts for oral presentations. Previous oral awardees are not allowed to present an oral presentation again.

2. Review the abstract components and rules.

Accepted abstracts must contain:

  1. At least two authors in the author block.
  2. Hypothesis or statement about the problem under investigation.
  3. Statement of the experimental methods/methodology used.
  4. Essential results provided in summary form (even if preliminary).
  5. Conclusion.

Abstracts missing any of the items above will be rejected. Abstracts must also be clearly written and free of multiple errors.

Additional Resources for Creating a Competitive Abstract

Abstract Rules

  • Only one student, the individual listed first in the author block, can present the abstract. No group presentations are allowed.
  • You must obtain permission from your research mentor, co-authors, and program director(s) before submitting an abstract. They will receive a copy of the notification email by October 1 indicating the status of the abstract.
  • Only one abstract submission, poster or oral, per student is acceptable. If you are listed as the presenting author on more than one abstract, all abstracts associated with you will automatically be rejected.
  • If you submit an oral abstract and it is accepted into the conference, but is not selected for an oral presentation, you will automatically be assigned a poster presentation.
  • If you are working in the same lab as another abstract submitter, you must independently submit original abstracts. Identical abstracts submitted by different students will automatically be rejected.
  • Abstracts must be written by you and reviewed/edited by the mentor. Mentors should not write the abstract.
  • Citations, tables and keywords are not allowed in the abstract text and will be removed.
  • The character limit of the abstract is 2,500 (not including spaces).
  • Work must be proofread prior to submission. ABRCMS staff will not edit abstracts. Additionally, no co-authors can be added after the abstract submission deadline.
  • No late submissions will be accepted.

3. See if you're eligible for an in-person Travel Award or virtual Registration Waiver.

You may be eligible for a travel award. Review the eligibility and application requirements before the travel award deadline of August 26.

4. Submit your abstract by 11:59 pm PT on September 6.

Next Steps

You will be notified by September 27, if your abstract is accepted. All abstract authors, including the research advisor/program director listed on your abstract, will receive notice of whether your abstract was accepted. Your co-authors and research advisor/program director will receive notification by October 1.

If your abstract is accepted, confirm your status by October 1. You MUST accept the invitation to present your abstract by October 1. Presentation date/time will not be provided until you have accepted.

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